Dear Expectant Parent Letter

Dear Friend,

You've probably looked through a lot of profiles by now—faces are blurring together and letters all say the same thing. Or maybe we are the first couple you've come across. No matter where you are at in your journey, we'd love to be a part of it. Here's what makes us, us.

We've been married for almost three years and adoption has been part of our plan since before day one of our marriage. After two years of infertility, we decided it was time to pursue our adoption journey. Finding a birth family match will be such a blessing for us.

As a couple, we try to live a minimalist life. One of our favorite activities is being outdoors. We love traveling, camping, and hiking. We can't wait to add another little adventurer to our crew.

We love Netflix binging as much as the next person, but we spend most of our free time at home reading. We have a huge (and growing) book collection. So if you enjoy reading, we will have lots to talk about!

Although we do not have any children of our own yet, we pray for the right birth family to join us so that we can bless each other's lives. We address you as dear friend because we would love to have an open adoption, where we can see each other as both family and friends.

Please see more of our story at
About Ariel

My favorite things include sending mail, celebrating birthdays, and buying books. I like to travel, cook, and spend time with family. It would be my ideal situation to stay at home with my children. Bucket list items include: writing a book, seeing the Grand Canyon, and cooking every recipe in a vegetarian cookbook.

Find me on instagram @arielwall
About Jk

A few of my favorite things in the world are reading, playing guitar, and trying new things. I love learning; education is one of my highest priorities. I am fascinated by the future of technology and have found my calling in Computer Engineering; it is a part of my everyday life. I aspire to have an impact on society and bless lives for good in my daily work. I hope to receive a Ph.D. and travel the world with my family.

Find me on Instagram @lovedonesandzeros
Photography by: Hunter K. Fowler


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